7 years old Manipuri girl urges MPs to legislate a climate change law

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With climate change causing nightmares across the world, a 7-year-old girl from Manipur has taken the task of sensitizing the country’s legislators on the need to act on climate change.


Licypriya Kangujam,  a student of class 2, stood holding a placard near Parliament building on Friday, calling out to the Prime Minister and Members of Parliament (MPs) to pass a law to address climate change. 

Waiting for the legislators to arrive in the parliament, Kangujam stood with a placard that read, “dear Mr Modi and MPs, pass the climate change law and save our future.” 

The young activist had earlier addressed the United Nations in April at its headquarters in Geneva on the theme “Resilience Dividend: Towards Sustainable and Inclusive Societies”.
“The sea levels are rising and our planet earth is becoming warmer,”said Kangujam. 
“They should act now,” assert Kangujam who attended the 2018 Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risks Reduction held in the Mongolian capital of Ulaanbaatar.

“I get scared when I see people suffering and dying due to earthquakes, floods, and tsunami. I urge everyone to join in to create a better world for all of us.”
The young crusader’s action comes at a time when India is reeling under acute water crisis as a direct consequence of climate change. Scientists and weather experts observed that the rapidly melting Himalayan glaciers will trigger floods in the country’s northern part along with erratic monsoons,  likely to cause droughts in the sub-continent.

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