The interested parties can submit their proposals online at URL

New Schools to admit 5,000 students in class VI from academic year 2022-23
In a paradigm shift to the existing pattern of Sainik Schools, the Union Cabinet which was chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in its meeting held on Tuesday has approved the proposal for the launching of affiliated Sainik Schools under Sainik Schools Society, Ministry of Defence. These Schools function as an exclusive vertical which will be distinct and different from existing Sainik Schools of MoD. In the first phase, 100 affiliate partners are proposed to be drawn from States/NGOs/Private partners.
- Provide cost-effective ways in reaching out to larger populations across all regions in the country.
- Meeting growing demand for Sainik Schools and providing effective physical, psycho-social, spiritual, intellectual, emotional and cognitive development.
- Savings in training duration, deployment of trainers, maintenance and operations budgets, while substantially improving the quality to youth entering the various walks of life.
Sainik Schools have not only brought good quality value based education within reach of the aspiring parents and children but also have created glorious history of students from humble backgrounds reaching the highest echelons in the Military Leadership, Administrative Services, Judicial Services, and other walks of life such as science, technology, and entrepreneurs. Because of these factors, there has been ever-growing demand for the opening of more new Sainik Schools.
To leverage the experience of administering 33 Sainik Schools across the country, it has been decided to set up 100 new affiliated Sainik Schools by inviting proposals from Government/ Private Schools /NGOs to apply for affiliation of existing or new Schools to the Sainik Schools Society. The interested parties can submit their proposals online at URL where salient features and qualifying criteria of the scheme; responsibilities of stakeholders, i.e. Ministry of Defence and School Management are listed.
The scheme will leverage Public/private partnership in the education sector, help tap into existing infrastructure available with reputed private and Govt. Schools and open-up new capacities to meet the growing aspirations of children desirous of receiving education in a Sainik School environment.
Beginning from the academic year 2022-23 approximately 5,000 students are expected to receive admission in class VI in such 100 affiliated Schools. At present, the existing 33 Sainik Schools have an admission capacity of approximately 3,000 students in class VI.
Impact: It is believed that integration of the Sainik Schools education system with regular board plus curriculum is expected to create academically strong, physically fit, culturally aware, intellectually adept, skillful youth and well-rounded citizens. The students from these Schools are envisioned to be equipped with necessary life skills which will make them shine in their chosen fields. Thus, the proposal aims to create a confident, highly-skilled, multi-dimensional, patriotic youth community with leadership qualities focused on providing topmost priority to the nationalistic objectives
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