An incredible achiever

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Life might throw up unconventional challenges towards us but this 10 year old has managed to pull off this challenge to extent of her own human evolution.


Sara Hinesley, 10, doesn’t understand why it’s so remarkable that she won a national handwriting competition. Just like any other girl of her age Sara, paints, draws and even sculpts clay. She can write in English and some Mandarin too. She learnt cursive this year and found it kind of easy.

Considering the fact that Sara was born without hands she has managed to have channelise her set back into her strength.  

According to sources her teacher describes her as a girl with strong will. She says, she have never heard this little girl say, ‘I can’t’. Sara is in her third-grade. She is a little rock star and is capable of tackling absolutely anything thrown at her, and she gives her best at it, shares her teacher.

Sara’s mother Ms Hinesly seemed assured that since Sara is aware that the award is given annually to two people, she just knows that she can do it and she’ll figure out her own way. Her mother appreciates her beautiful and strong mind she says, she is like that only, and she just lives that way. She really does.

To write, Sara grips her pencil between her arms. She focuses on the shapes of letters, each point and curve. Writing in cursive feels like creating artwork. Sara says, she likes the way the letters are formed as if it is a form of art.

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