Arms Dealer Nabbed with Cache of AK rifles and 9mm pistol

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Successful operation conducted on Wednesday by the Assam Rifles Battalions of IGAR (South), one suspected arms dealer was arrested along with an accomplice in general area Kakching district.


Imphal: In a successful operation conducted on Wednesday by the Assam Rifles Battalions of IGAR (South), one suspected arms dealer was arrested along with an accomplice in general area Kakching district.  

Based on input received regarding a weapons deal, taking place in the general area of Kakching Garden, AR troops established multiple mobile vehicle check posts in the area. A Maruti 800 car was stopped for checking, the accused, Kn Angdum, age 43 years,  resident of Khudei Khunou  village rushed out of the car pointing a loaded pistol at Assam Rifle troops and tried to flee. The troops of Assam Rifles pursued the individual and nabbed him after a brief scuffle. The accomplice, D Madun (25) was caught inside the car.

Upon interrogation, the individuals provided information regarding a cache of weapons hidden beneath a nearby culvert. A detailed search of the area led to the recovery of three AK-56 rifles with magazines, one 9 mm Pistol with a magazine and five rounds. One Maruti 800 car and FZ Yamaha motor cycle involved in the gun running racket have also been seized.

On questioning, the individual revealed that he was an ex cadre of NSCN (IM) and had served in the outfit from 1992 to 2011, and he has been helping the outfit with regards to their various logistic issues. Both the individuals have been booked and handed over to the Kakching police for further action.

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