A pivotal step towards a greener Assam was taken on March 15 with a Consultation Meeting on the Development of the State Agroforestry Policy. Held at a hotel in Guwahati, the event brought together key stakeholders from various sectors to shape Assam’s future in agroforestry

A pivotal step towards a greener Assam was taken on March 15 with a Consultation Meeting on the Development of the State Agroforestry Policy.
Held at a hotel in Guwahati, the event brought together key stakeholders from various sectors to shape Assam’s future in agroforestry.
The meeting, organized under the MoEF&CC- USAID Trees Outside Forests in India (TOFI) Program led by the Center for International Forestry Research and World Agroforestry (CIFOR-ICRAF), provided a platform for experts and community members to contribute valuable insights.
Manoj Dabas, Chief of Party for TOFI at CIFOR-ICRAF, welcomed participants and emphasized the initiative’s goal: to create a robust agroforestry policy for Assam.
Esteemed dignitaries like Hridesh Misra, Additional PCCF (Upper Assam) from the Department of Environment & Forest, and Tez Prasad Bhusal, Secretary of the Department of Agriculture, graced the event.
Representatives from diverse sectors participated, including the Assam Forest department, Agricultural department, Sericulture department, academic institutions like IIT Guwahati and Assam Agricultural University, farmers’ associations, NGOs, research institutions, and corporate entities.
Hridesh Misra in his speech highlighted the importance of a well-defined agroforestry policy for Assam’s rich resources and urged stakeholders to prioritize farmer-centricity in its development. He also stressed the need for robust marketing channels and industry linkages for tree growers.
Dr. C. Ramesh, CCF (REWP) of Assam, emphasized the importance of providing farmers with consistent income sources. He elaborated on the Department of Forest’s ongoing agroforestry initiatives.
Tez Prasad Bhusal, Secretary of the Department of Agriculture, highlighted key challenges faced by farmers, including human-animal conflict, limited land holdings, and insufficient income.
He pointed out the limitations of monoculture farming and advocated for diversified approaches like agroforestry to improve livelihoods.
The TOFI program, launched nationally in September 2022, aims to foster collaboration among farmers, businesses, and private institutions, said a statement.
This initiative aims to rapidly expand tree cover across seven states, including Assam, for enhanced carbon sequestration and improved ecosystem services, it added.
With collaborative efforts from all stakeholders, Assam is poised to develop a comprehensive agroforestry policy that benefits both farmers and the environment, the statement said .