Obesity, sedentary lifestyle, and use of hormone therapy are common lifestyle-related risk factors for the development of breast cancer in women

The State-of-the-Art digital mammography machine with facility for tomosynthesis at Dr. B Borooah Cancer Institute (BBCI), Guwahati has been inaugurated by Prof Ajit Kumar Mohanty, Director of Bhaba Atomic Research Center, Government of India through video-conferencing on 29th October 2020 as Chief Guest of the inaugural ceremony. Dr. Rajendra Badwe, Director of Tata Memorial Center, Mumbai joined the inaugural program as the Guest of Honor.
Speaking on the occasion, Prof Mohanty said, BBCI is a premiere centre for cancer treatment not only in North-East India but also for the states of Odisha and West Bengal. Prof Mohanty stressed upon the need for research on radio-pharmaceuticals at the institute.

Dr. Badwe said that, since mammography is mandatory prior to staring of treatment for breast cancer, the State-of-the-Art digital mammography machine with facility for tomosynthesis will be big advantage for breast cancer patients coming to BBCI for their treatment. This mammography machine is one of the many steps towards sophistication of BBCI under Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) as a unit of Tata Memorial Center, further said Dr.Badwe.

According to Dr.Amal Chandra Kataki, Director of BBCI, this new State-of-the-Art digital mammography machine will augment the existing facilities for better management of patients with breast cancer and breast conservation surgery. Breast tomosynthesis is an advanced form of mammography, a specific type of breast imaging that uses low-dose x-rays to detect cancer early when it is most treatable and especially that can be used to screen for early signs of breast cancer in women with no symptoms. The management of the institute is grateful to the DAE for providing the support for this highly advanced mammography machine, which will benefit breast cancer patients from the entire North East India.
It may be recalled that the month of October is observed as Breast Cancer Awareness month globally, further informed Dr.Kataki. As per the report of National Cancer Registry Program 2020 under the Indian Council of Medical Research, every year 1.25 lakh patients with breast cancer are detected in the country. Around 30% of breast cancers are detected in early stage and survival probability of stage I breast cancer patients is 90%.
At BBCI, around 700 patients with breast cancer are diagnosed and treated every year. Obesity, sedentary lifestyle, and use of hormone therapy are common lifestyle-related risk factors for the development of breast cancer in women.