Followed by an International Seminar on “Archaeological Heritage of India and its Cross-Cultural ties with South East Asia”

To Celebrate World Heritage Week 2022, the Directorate of Archaeology, Assam in collaboration with N C Hills Autonomous Council and District Administration, Haflong organised the weeklong programme in Dima Hasao from 19th to 25th November.
The inaugural ceremony was started with Asom Sangeet followed by Lightning of Lamp Felicitation of Guests, Welcome address by Nazreen Ahmed, Deputy Commissioner, Dima Hasao.

S.R. Bhuyan, Secretary to the Government of Assam, Indigenous and Tribal Faith and Culture Department, and Dr. (Prof.) Vasant Shinde, Advisor to the Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways, Govt. of India on National Maritime Heritage Complex Former Vice-Chancellor, Deccan College Post Graduate and Research Institute, Pune delivered their valuable speeches while Prof. Louise Shewan University of Melbourne, Australia delivered her Keynote address.
Nandita Gorlosa, Minister of Indigenous and Tribal Faith and Culture, Power, Cooperation, Mines and Minerals Department, Govt. of Assam attending the function as Guest of honour dwelt at length about several heritage sites in Dima Hasao.

Dr. Ranoj Pegu, Minister of Education, Tribal Welfare, Indigenous and Tribal Faith and Culture, Department (Directorates of Library and Museum), Govt. of Assam stressed the importance of creating awareness to create awareness among the people for the protection and preservation of the rich cultural heritage of Assam for the next generation.
This was followed by an International Seminar on “Archaeological Heritage of India and its Cross-Cultural ties with South East Asia” at the auditorium hall Haflong Govt. College, Haflong, on Saturday.
Others present in the program were Executive Member, Bijit Langthasa, T.T. Daolagupu, Principal Secretary (T) N.C. Hills Autonomous Council, Haflong, Dr. Deepi Rekha Kouli Director Directorate of Archaeology, Assam and other dignitaries.