Awareness meeting against witch-hunting held in Kokrajhar

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The law is tough against the people indulging in such practice, and a person will get jail if he/she term anyone a witch and can get imprisonment for life


Recently an inhuman incident has recently surfaced in Kokrajhar where five member family were ostracized and ordered to leave the village on the suspected of practicing black magic. The incident was held on August 8. In view of this incident Kokrajhar circle office holds awareness camp against witch-hunting. Beside this, today a meeting was held at Jornagra Part-I village in Kokrajhar. The main agenda of this meeting was social awareness against the superstitious belief of witch-hunting (daini).

The meeting was jointly organised by the Kokrajhar Circle Office, Social Welfare Office, Police administration and All Rabha Student Union to educate and aware the public about the strict law against the anti-witch-hunt and attended by local villagers and representatives from various organisations.

Kokrajhar Additional Superintendent of Police Rosy Rani Sarmah said the law is tough against the people indulging in such practice, and a person will get jail if he/she term anyone a witch and can get imprisonment for life.

Kokrajhar Circle Officer Dipann Barman said there is nothing like daini (witch), and all these are superstitious beliefs which have absolutely no basis and accusing a person of being a daina/daini and forcing them out from their house and village is not acceptable.

The onset of the incident was, the villagers of Jornagra Part-1 village on Thursday (8 August) held a meeting and adopted a resolution to outcast five member of a family including Badrewar Rabha(55), his wife Puleswari Rabha, son Ajit, daughter-in-law and 2 years old grandson declaring them of practising witchcraft and ordered to leave the village by August 15. The villagers also forced the family to sign a paper accepting their crime.

Police have arrested six persons including the village goanbura (headman), VDP secretary in this connection.

Chairperson of Child Welfare Committee Kokrajhar Malati Rani Narzary, Kokrajhar District Social Welfare officer Sameswar Mushahary, chairperson of Tribal Welare Board Kokrajhar Uma Rani Brahma, members of All Rabha Student Union were among those attended today’s awareness meeting and delivered speech against the superstitious belief of witch hunting.

Members from ARSU stressed the need of proper health care and quality education in village and remote areas where superstitious beliefs are still prevalent due to back of health care and education.

The meeting was attended by locals along with representatives from various organisations.

In his speech, Kokrajhar circle officer Dipann Barman said there is nothing like a witch.

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