Unless the movements of such miscreants are curbed down there is the likelihood of danger to human life and safety and breach of public tranquillity

In view of Assembly election, 2021 to all 7 Legislative Assembly constituencies in Cachar District viz LA 9 Silchar, LA 10 Sonai, LA 11 Dholai, LA 12 Udharbandh, LA 13 Lakhipur, LA 14 Borkhola and LA 15 Katigorah which is scheduled to be held on 1st April 2021 District Magistrate Cachar, Keerthi Jalli imposed 144 CrPc in Cachar District on Friday.
It’s worth mentioning here that miscreants might indulge in illegal activities like extortion of money, the kidnapping of persons etc in the district for which such miscreants may use vehicles, the windows of which are covered by various means so as to enable them to escape detection or identification while in process of the commission of such illegal activities.
Unless the movements of such miscreants are curbed down there is the likelihood of danger to human life and safety and breach of public tranquillity.
Issuing an order to this effect on Friday District Magistrate Cachar Keerthi Jalli stated that no owners, drivers of the private vehicle shall use any means, whether by putting tinted glasses, tinted transparent sheets, painting, curtains etc on the rear or two sides of the windows of vehicles by which the views inside the vehicles are blocked, completely or partially from outside or by which the visibility of the inside of the vehicles is considerably reduced. Any such means if put already shall be removed from such vehicle forthwith.
This order shall come into force immediately and shall apply to the whole district of Cachar and shall remain in force until altered or decided.
This order shall be however not applicable to the Government vehicles, displaying designation plates of senior Government officials.