Best Practical Solution Is To Reduce Plastic Use: Secrerary KMC

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With Kohima being a ‘Smart City’, Kiso emphasised that the first requirement is for a smart citizen after which smart waste and smart infrastructure will follow


“While the use of plastic being very advantageous, it is overused and the recycling of it not being completely harmless, the best practicable solution is to reduce plastic use,” said Kohima Municipal Council, Secretary Z. Kiso while speaking at the launching of awareness programme on plastic free environment and banning of single use plastic on 20th September, 2019 in SDO(C) Office, Jakhama.

Kiso, sharing some of the problems faced by the KMC in waste management, said that not only plastic waste but proper management of dry waste and wet waste are also equally important and the citizens should be aware of it. Around 2 lakh dustbins were distributed since 2006 under various schemes. While stating that KMC is the first in NE and the country to de-centralise the entire 19 wards he said at present green and blue dustbins are being used to segregate waste.

Following  the example of South Africa, where waste collectors are known as ‘environment scientists’ due to the important role they play, he informed that the Municipal has decided to refer to waste collectors as ‘pick angels,’ of which there are around 100 of them at present. Massive campaign drive on waste segregation in all wards were done by Green Team, Project 72 etc. and river rejuvenation in village and urban areas are undertaken by KMC. Very soon dust road sweeper will also be used, he added. 

With Kohima being a ‘Smart City’, Kiso emphasised that the first requirement is for a smart citizen after which smart waste and smart infrastructure will follow.

SDO(C) Jakhama, Alemyapang Longchar speaking during the campaign launch said that there will be three phases. On 2nd October mass social work will be conducted in Jakhama sub-division and several spot will be identified where plastic wastes will be collected. On 4th October, there will be a verification drive, first offence will lead to confiscation of the plastic waste and further offence will be penalised.

The success of this campaign depend largely on individuals, Longchar said, with the government there to assist and facilitate. While stressing that the church has an important role to play in changing the habits of the people, he requested all the village councils, churches and school institutes to actively be a part of the campaign.

SAYO Vice President, Khriese Sale shared about the reasons and need for declaring Dzükou a plastic free zone on 5th June, 2019. Terming it as a success he said that, more needs to be done for which the organisation is working towards achieving it.

BDO Jakhama, Khovi Thaprü shared on how to stop using single use plastic in offices. Dr. Temsu, CHC Viswema, highlighted the various harmful chemicals used in plastics and the health hazards on human beings.

The launch programme was attended by village representatives, head and administrators of educational institutes, organisations and Rev. Zapovil Sophie, Pastor, Jakhama Baptist Church gave the invocation.  

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