Cane and Bamboo Technology Park Inaugurated

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There are many unexplored potentials in North East: Dr Jitendra Singh


The Union Minister of State for Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER) Dr. Jitendra Singh inaugurated the Cane and Bamboo Technology Park-cum-Office Premises of Cane and Bamboo Technology Centre (CBTC) at Burnihat, on 24th September.  

There are many unexplored potentials in North East and one of them is bamboo, as more than 50% of India’s bamboos are found in this region, Dr. Singh said during the inaugural function. He opined that it is up to us how we utilize it, what we produce, how much and how far can we reach, where we can capture market and how it can also become the source of livelihood for the youth.

Dr. Singh being optimistic about north east he highlighted the fact that though the biggest storehouse of bamboo in India is North East, the market of bamboo is extended all over India.

The Minister emphasised that Ministry of DoNER would be always there to help to facilitate the marketing of bamboo produce beyond North East.

Dr. Singh advised the youth of the region to utilize the home grown bamboo to produce different commodities which will help them to earn their livelihood.

Ram Muivah, the Secretary of North Eastern Council and Chairman, CBTC, said that the Cane and Bamboo Technology Park was a long awaited dream and today it got materialized. He informed that NEC has lots of plans for up-gradation and strengthening of the CBTC.

The Bamboo Technology Park has been developed to exclusively deal with Bamboo & Cane, catering to the needs of the industries, entrepreneurs, designers, crafts persons, rural people, teachers, policy makers, technicians and technologists. The Centre will  be identifying and transferring appropriate manufacturing techniques, providing technical assistance, rendering specific services such as, laboratory testing and quality assurance.

This will itself promote the tangible benefits and will focus for generating village-level cluster and micro-processing units, encouraging and mobilizing SHGs, NGOs to adopt to bamboo culture, attract investment in the bamboo sector in both medium and small sector, create awareness generation, design innovation, new product development, technology infusion and adaptation to the requirement of this country.

The Cane and Bamboo Technology Centre (CBTC) was established in Guwahati as a centre for “Cane and Bamboo Technological Up gradation and Networking Project” implemented by NEDFi  under the UNIDO country program for India. The Department of Science & Technology (DST), Govt. of India and United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) were the main stake holders. After completion of the Project, it was registered as a Society under North Eastern Council, Ministry of DoNER, Government of India. The CBTC has trained more than 5400 artisans, students, farmers and entrepreneurs of North Eastern Region as well as foreign countries in the field of Cane and Bamboo Technology.

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