Chandrayaan-2 update: Second de-orbiting maneuver

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The duration of the maneuver was 9 seconds.


ISRO in a release had stated that the second de-orbiting maneuver for Chandrayaan-2 spacecraft was performed successfully today beginning at 0342 hrs IST of 4th September as planned, using the onboard propulsion system. The duration of the maneuver was 9 seconds.

The orbit of Vikram Lander is 35 km x 101 km. Chandrayaan-2 Orbiter continues to orbit the Moon in an orbit of 96 km x 125 km and both the Orbiter and Lander are healthy.

With this maneuver the required orbit for the Vikram Lander to commence it’s descent towards the surface of the Moon is achieved.

The Lander is scheduled to powered descent between 0100 – 0200 hrs IST on September 07th, which is then followed by touch down of Lander between 0130 – 0230 hrs IST

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