Chemical free imported fish in Diphu market

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Import of fish from faraway wholesale markets cannot be expected that the fishes are liberated from chemical addition

Sushanta Roy

Diphu :  Officers of the Fishery, Health & Family department in association with the Greater Diphu Bazaar Committee made a routine examination of the fish put up for sale in the fish market in the main bazaar of Diphu town yesterday. 

The initiative came close to the heels of the much hyped promise of the Diphu Bazar Committee that it will not allow sale of imported fish treated with preservatives in Diphu market.

Although the fish vendors claim that the fish on sale in Diphu market other than the local variety is brought from nearby Nagaon or Guwahati market but in actuality not to speak of these two markets, nowhere in Assam adequate fish is produced which can meet the demand of the domestic market.

Fish is imported from Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal and Bangladesh even from Myanmar through some tangential itinerary. Import of fish from faraway wholesale markets cannot be expected that the fishes are liberated from chemical addition.      

The team of examiners consisted of BK Karjee, H. Kemprai both food inspectors, Joint Director of Health Services Dr. Borsing Rongpi, District Fishery Development Officer B S Kathar, Larzlyn Katharpi and Dr. Habe Teron. Greater Diphu Bazaar Committee president Bidyasing Tisso and general secretary Soronsing Rongpi accompanied the officials.

The official examiners collected samples of different variety fishes claimed to have transported from nearby Nagaon and other districts including some species only found in backwater, delta and river mouths.

 The highly empowered team of doctors, fishery experts and food inspectors however could not find any trace of preservative or detrimental chemicals from the samples of the imported fishes after examination.

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