Chilli festival began in Ukhrul district of Manipur

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Chilli festival began in Ukhrul district of Manipur, deficit rainfall leads to increase in the Chilli production this year

Lelen Vaiphei

The 10th Chilli festival “Sirarakhong Hathei Phanit” kicked off on Wednesday at Sirarakhong village of Ukhrul district of Manipur. 

Ironically when the state is likely to face famine due to scanty rain-induced crop failure, chilli production increased for the current year due in comparison with the previous year.

Villagers informed that they were not aware of the value of their Chilli before the festival began but the festival created new scope and market for the villagers and the Chilli production increases too.

As informed by the chairman of the village, V. Ningkhan Zimik, around 20 Chilli stalls were opened in the festival out of around 260 household engaging in Chilli plantation out of 300 households approximately in the village.

Besides its unique taste and aroma, the chilli powder of Sirarakhong in comparison with other chillies produces pleasing colour when it is added to curry and also have medicinal value. 

A successful Chilli producer can earn around 2 to 3 lakhs annually said the chairman of the village.

He also informed that Chilli Plantation using greenhouse helps in the fast growth of the Chilli but the size decrease when compared with natural plantation which is usually planted in the month of July and harvested between July till September.

He further pointed out that the festival is being organised with a motive to increase the Chilli production and the villager has somehow benefited from the plantation through the festival.  

One of the Chilli farmers, Masophy Ramson informed that they used a particular land for two seasonal plantations after which they shifted the location since they can detect the fertility of the soil with its colour.

One family can produce around 200 kilograms per season through the Chilli plantation and besides that, the villagers also practice potato and King Chilli plantation as another source of income said Masophy. She further said that they sold the Chilli in the district and even in the state capital Imphal where they sometimes could not supply the demand, she added.

During the olden days, the soil was much fertile and a Chilli tree can reach the height of a full-grown human but it is not the same now, she added

Speaking as chief guest at the formal inauguration function, deputy commissioner of Ukhrul district, Joseph Pauline Kamson said that the said Chilli has vitamin c and keratin which is beneficial for the health.

He informed that the Chilli already received Geographical Indication (GI) tag as such other places cannot claim the right of the villagers and the Chilli itself.  He appealed the villagers to attempt for more production of a better quality Chilli so as to reach the international market and further said that the government is actively assisting the villagers for it. 

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