Civil Societies of Manipur valley warn of strong agitation if State’s interest comprises while appeasing NSCN IM

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The Centre has been trying to disintegrate the integrity prevailing among the communities residing in the State in its pursuit to bring a solution on the Peace Talk between NSCN (IM)

Lelen Vaiphei

All Clubs Organizations Associations Kangleipak and Meira Paibi Lup (ACOAM-Lup) has warned that all indigenous communities residing in the state will eventually bear the burden of what it alleges, is the Centre’s secret plan to disintegrate Manipur if the communities do not recognize the tactical strategy of the Centre.

Further,  the influential civil society operative in the valley areas of the border state condemned the state government for its failure in delivering justice on the suspicious death of a 13-year-old girl student, Ningthoujam Babysana in her boarding school premises. It alleges that the State government is trying to divert the issue like several other burning issues prevailing in the State.

This was stated by the ACOAM-Lup president, Sanjit Soraisam while addressing its Integrity Protection Day Observance, held at the Manipur Press Club.

“The Government of India has been continuously trying to disintegrate Manipur even after the three words “without territorial limits” was deleted from the Bangkok Agreement signed between the Centre and NSCN (IM) on July 27, 2001, following massive public protest that erupted in the Manipur valley immediately after the agreement was signed in Bangkok  against the inclusion of the three words,” asserted the president. 

People residing in the valley areas perceived the inclusion of the three words “without territorial limits” in the ceasefire agreement with NSCN IM is a strategy towards eventually conceding to the NSCN IM’s game plan of creating a Greater Nagaland by slicing off parts of  Manipur,  Assam and Arunachal Pradesh. He also added that any peace efforts in the state need a collective effort of all communities residing in the state. 

“Strategies for the welfare of only one particular community or some communities by some communities will not bear fruit,” explained the president. 

He alleges that the Centre has been trying to disintegrate the integrity prevailing among the communities residing in the State in its pursuit to bring a solution of the peace talks going on between NSCN (IM) and the government of India. 

Sanjit said that all indigenous communities residing in the state must realized the secret ploy of the centre to disintegrate Manipur, failing which the people have to bear the burden of the secret plan.

The ACOAM-LUP president also denounced that the MLAs and ministers of the State government are busily entangled in a selfish power struggle to grab leadership instead of trying to solve the state’s burning and contagious issues.

President of International Peace and Social Advancement (IPSA) Joychandra Konthoujam while speaking as an invitee asserted while most civil society organizations in the state welcome the move of the Centre to expedite the Peace Talk between it and NSCN (IM) to bring out a solution,  he warned that the Civil Society Organisations,  CSO, in the State will not remain silent if the solution that comes out of the peace talk harms the State in any way and added that CSOs and people of the State are always ready for another incident even more severe than June Uprising.  

The spontaneous and unprecedented public protest that followed in the wake of the Bangkok Agreement in which 18 protestors were killed in the protest-related action is observed as the ‘Great June Uprising.’ Attachments area

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