Phone services, Internet being restored in Kashmir valley

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Jammu and Kashmir Chief Secretary B.V.R. Subramaniam has announced a gradual and calibrated easing of restrictions on the movement of people and communication services.


Jammu and Kashmir Chief Secretary B.V.R. Subramaniam has announced a gradual and calibrated easing of restrictions on the movement of people and communication services. He said that the government offices have already started functioning and the schools will be opened area-wise from Monday.

The Chief Secretary thanked the people of the valley for their cooperation in the last fortnight while reasonable restrictions were imposed as a precautionary measure to maintain law and order. 

He reiterated that there was no loss of life in the valley from August 5 onwards when the decision about the revocation of Article 370 was taken and state’s reorganisation was approved has announced a gradual and calibrated easing of restrictions on the movement of people and communication services. He said that the government offices have already started functioning and the schools will be opened area-wise from Monday.

The Chief Secretary thanked the people of the valley for their cooperation in the last fortnight while reasonable restrictions were imposed as a precautionary measure to maintain law and order.

He reiterated that there was no loss of life in the valley from August 5 onwards when the decision about the revocation of Article 370 was taken and the state’s reorganisation was approved.

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