Community Radio Stations Across India

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Community Radio Stations act as essential communication channels for enhancing last mile of outreach of government


Union Minister Prakash Javadekar announced that 118 new Community Radio Stations (CRS) are in the process of being set-up.

The approved list of applicants having been granted Letter of Intent for setting up CRS includes 16 from Left Wing Extremism (LWE) affected districts, 6 from most LWE affected districts, 25 from coastal districts, 17 from Aspirational Districts, 3 from North-East and 2 from Jammu and Kashmir. Applications from NGOs, Educational Institutions – both private and public, and Krishi Vigyan Kendras have been granted approvals.

Community Radio Stations act as essential communication channels for enhancing last mile of outreach of government. Plans are underway to ensure expansion of the community radio network to each district of the country.

Community Radios are small (low power) FM radio stations with a coverage area of around 10-15 Km radius, depending on the geography of the area. CRS play a significant role in dissemination of agriculture related information, government schemes for people’s welfare, weather forecast etc.

CRS are expected to produce at least 50% of their programmes locally, as far as possible in local languages or dialects. More than two hundred sixty CRS across India, broadcasting in various languages including local dialects, give marginalised communities a platform to make their voice heard and an opportunity to express their views.

It is expected that these Community Radio Stations will become operational within the next six months, the release of the Ministry said.

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