Deeksharambh- A Guide to Student Induction Released by Union Minister of HRD

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Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank the Union Minister of Human Resource Development released UGC guide to student induction programme – “Deeksharambh” in New Delhi on 18th July, 2019.


While speaking on the occasion, the minister said that the Deeksharambh is a guide to Student Induction Programme (SIP) which aims to help new students adjust and feel comfortable in the new milieu.

It targets to inculcate ethos and culture of institution in them and help them build bonds with fellow students and faculty members along with exposing them to a sense of larger purpose and self-exploration.

He insisted that this programme will engage the new students as soon as they come into the institution before regular classes start.

The induction programme starts with, the incumbents learning about the institutional policies, processes, practices, culture and values.

During the process, their mentor groups are formed. Mentoring is one of the components of the Student Induction Programme and it will help to develop an everlasting bond between teachers and students emphasised Nishank.

 The programme intends to empower the aspirants to face the competitive world with confidence, open up new horizons of life leading to character building based on universal human values.

In order to spread awareness amongst Higher Education Institutions and its stakeholders, UGC has decided to conduct various awareness programmes and training programmes for teachers in different parts of the country about Deeksharambh.

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