Encouraging the student, he also spoke about the scopes and facilities for those who can pursue this field of games and sports

Chief Executive Member (CEM) of Dima Hasao Autonomous Council Debolal Gorlosa ceremonially distributed free bi-cycle to the students of Class-IX studying in Govt. & provincialised Schools of Dima Hasao district for the academic year 2023-24 at N. L. Daulagupu Sports Complex on Thursday.
The day’s programme began with Jatiya Sangeet and was followed by a welcome speech by the Dima Hasao District Commissioner Simanta Kr. Das.

CEM Debolal Gorlosa attended as the chief guest of the programme and was accompanied by the Chairperson Ranu Langthasa, Executive Members (EM) i/c Secondary Education etc Lalremsiama Darnei and other EMs and MACs of DHAC
Attending the program as Chief Guest, CEM Debolal Gorlosa said, “Over the years there was a perception about students from government schools in Dima Hasao not doing well has now changed. It is a proud moment that our government schools with the collective effort of our students, teachers and officials of the department, have reaped the fruit of success by achieving such an outstanding position among all districts in spite of many challenges. I am happy that most of the government schools have 80 to 100 pass percentage from the interior in the district”.

He said that in the interest of student’s career growth and job opportunities for the people of Dima Hasao, the present government is implementing various development projects like Ekalavya Residential School, Minority School, B. Ed Collage, APGCL power Project at Longku, Bamboo Industry Park, Free IAS Coaching classes. Praising the teaching community in his speech, CEM Debolal Gorlosa greeted them for their selfless contribution to nation-building. He further said that apart from teaching, teachers should also encourage students to physical fitness as health is the prime factor by which students can perform better affecting their academic results and healthy life. Encouraging the student, he also spoke about the scopes and facilities for those who can pursue this field of games and sports.
In his speech, Executive Member, Lalremsiama Darnei, I/c Education explained precisely the purpose of the programme and the objective of the scheme. With an aim to improve student enrollment at the High School level, the present government has taken this initiative to motivate the students to continue their studies at all block levels. EM Darnei expressed happiness over the council team especially CEM Gorlosa and that they will take all possible steps to help students to bring laurel to the district.
Others who spoke on the occasion were Gayatri Naiding, Inspector of Schools and a vote of thanks was delivered by Biplab Purkayastha, Asst.Commissioner.
The programme was also attended by Principal Secretaries Thai Tsho Daulagupu and Debanon Daulaguphu, Secretaries, ADCs, officials, Media, teachers, students and the general public, teachers, parents, students and other officials.
The grand ceremony of free bicycle distribution was organized by the Dima Hasao District Administration in collaboration with Inspectors of Schools in Dima Hasao. As per the SOP released, 2032 ( two thousand and thirty-two) beneficiaries were provided with free bicycles in Dima Hasao district out of the total 3,69,454 beneficiaries in the state.
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