Dima Hasao | Celeb stuck between clan loyalists

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The disagreement surfaced just ahead of installing the statue of the legendary general at Umrangso town of Dima Hasao district

Sushanta Roy

Unusual litigation has come up before the Court of District Judge, Dima Hasao recently, regarding the Thaosensa clan of Dimasa community over the claim on legendary general Tularam Senapati. Whereas this clan is claiming that Tularam Senapati belongs to their clan and on the other hand Hasnusa clan is making counter claims that the general belonged to their clan.

The disagreement surfaced just ahead of installing the statue of the legendary general at Umrangso town of Dima Hasao district. Right now the court has reserved the right of both the clans from using the last name of Tularam Senapati as Thaosen or Hasnusa in any official issue and the status quo will remain in force.

 For Thaosensa clan, the Thaosen Progressive Society is contesting the case in the Court of District Judge, Dima Hasao and a group of four members of the same clan have filed another case of title suit in the court of Civil Judge, Karbi Anglong, Diphu on seventh of this month.  

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