Dima Hasao | DSU Resents Against The False Projection Of Dimasa Customary Law In The Movie “Semkhor”

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The Dimasa Customary Law depicted in the movie “Semkhor” is disrespectful to the Dimasa Community as it shows the act of Women infanticide which is not being followed by the Dimasa Community

KRC TIMES Dima Hasao Bureau

Dimasa Student Union President, Sidut Naiding and General Secretary Pramith Sengyung through a press note condemned the content of the movie ‘Semkhor” for representing fake Dimasa Customary Laws and practices directed by Aimee Baruah.

The movie “Semkhor” according to Director Aimee Barua, is a Bona fide movie that is made truly based on the social life of “Semshas” but the Dimasa Community an ethnic group never practices such type of female infanticide following Maternal Death as shown in the movie Semkhor, So they strongly condemned the Content & Story of the movie “Semkhor” as they have never followed such type of activity in their society. 

The Dimasa Customary Law depicted in the movie “Semkhor” is disrespectful to the Dimasa Community as it shows the act of Women infanticide which is not being followed by the Dimasa Community.

Aimee Barua during her Press Conference during the promotion of the movie Semkhor revealed that Female infanticide is still in practice in Semkhor village which is totally untrue and the statement creates an immoral message to the world hurting the sentiment of the Dimasa Community.

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