Voters in Dima Hasao who wish to apply must fill the form by 9th March next

A preparatory meeting in line with the Election Commission of India’s direction to provide a postal ballot facility for absentee voters was held under the chairmanship of Deputy Commissioner cum District Election Officer, Paul Barua at the DC’s conference hall Thursday.
The meeting was held in presence of senior officers of the district administration, ADCs, Rajib Roy, Lalrohlu Khiangte, Dy Secretary, NCHAC, Rebecca Changsan and Election Officer, Md. Abdul Kalam, DIPRO Purabi Phonglo and Nodal officer, Electoral Management System, Sanjeeb Bhattacharya.
The meeting was held in order to sensitize the media persons of the district about the postal ballot facility for absentee voters and also regarding paid news
As conveyed by the DEO, a postal ballot facility will be provided to PwD (people with disabilities) voters, senior citizens above the age of 80 years of age and Covid-19 suspect or affected persons. Those who fall under such category will have to submit form 12-D to avail this facility and once they are registered under this category they will not be able to cast their votes at polling stations.
Till date number of voters who have applied for this facility under the category of PwD is 69 whereas 553 senior citizens above 80 years of age have applied and no applicants who are either covid -19 suspect or infected.
This move is expected to help increase the voters’ turnout while voting through postal ballots option is available every election to armed forces and those assigned poll duties.
As briefed by the DEO, 12-D forms may be collected on information to the respective BLOs who will visit the houses of the concerned electors. Voters in Dima Hasao who wish to apply must fill the form by 9th March next, which is five days after the date of issue of notification on 5th March.