• Coordination among States and Railways essential to run more trains for smooth transport of Migrant Workers
• Run more Buses, ensure their Smooth Transition across States and inter-State borders
• Create en-route Rest Places with basic amenities for people on foot, till they are guided to bus/rail stations
• Dispel rumours, give clarity on train/bus departures: MHA to States

In a communication to the States, Union Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has noted that fear of COVID-19 infection and the apprehension of loss of livelihood are the main driving factors for the movement of stranded workers towards their homes. In order to mitigate the distress of migrant workers, the communication stresses on a number of measures that may be taken by the State governments, pro-actively in coordination with the Centre.
The directive suggests that operation of more special trains by pro-active coordination between States and with Ministry of Railways; Increase in number of buses for transporting migrants; allowing the entry of buses carrying migrants at the inter-state border; more clarity may be given about departure of trains/ buses, as lack of clarity coupled with rumours caused unrest amongst the workers; the arrangement of designated rest places, with adequate facilities for sanitation, food, and healthcare, could be made by the States on routes where migrants are known to be already travelling on foot; District Authorities may guide workers moving on foot to designated rest places, nearby bus terminals or railway stations by arranging transportation; Special attention may be given to the specific requirements of women, children and elderly amongst the migrant workers; District Authoritiesmay involve NGO representatives at rest places etc, to alleviate the notion of long quarantine at rest places. Workers may also be encouraged to remain at places where they are; enlisting the migrants with their addresses and contact numbers. This may be helpful in contact tracing in due course.

The communication reiterates that District Authorities must ensure that no migrant worker has to resort to walking on roads or railway tracks to reach his/her destination. They may request the Ministry of Railways for running trains, as per requirement.