Humble Cobbler returns a mobile

Nowadays the value of the word honesty is gradually decreasing.
On the other hand, in our society a person gets respect and dignity by his professions. Usually, we tend to look upon people of lowly professions with contempt while look up to people of high position with respect and awe.
But the story of himble cobbler Mr.Prahlat Plaan (not too sure about spelling) is something different. The man who is a cobbler returned a left aside mobile to its owner.
On Monday Obam Tayeng, who is the present Director of Information and Public Relations of Arunachal Pradesh Government uploaded this story in his Face Book Account.
The incident had happened with him.
In his word, Obam wrote – “while waiting for my vehicle at Tinali of Naharlagun G Extension I had briefly sat on a wooden stool of one cobbler at the site. When I returned to my office I found that my mobile was missing.
I moved heaven and earth to find it; called at the number( which was ringing); scoured the office canteen (where I had taken tea); scanned the vehicle by up turning the mats and rummaged all parts before I returned to Axis Bank Naharlagun Branch where I had previously dropped on for submitting a document.
I was sure it was not be found again as there was no other option left for me to find it back.”
He added, “Suddenly by evening just for self-satisfaction I decided to check at the shed of the cobbler where I had casually sat for a brief moment.”
After reaching the cobbler shade Plaan greeted him with his smiling face and said, he had the mobile with him.
Tayeng asked, ” Why did not you pick up when I called at the number repeatedly?” The cobbler answered, “I don’t know how to use these kinds of smart phones.”
After getting his phone back Tayeng realised, it was an eye-opening episode which shows that character and integrity of a person is independent of his or her profession.
It is because of the existence of people of the kind of Mr.Prahlat that the world is still liveable and better.
Obam Tayeng wrote, “My deepest respect to you Prahlat and hope you will continue to keep up this spirit in the days to come.
May God bless you.”