Citizens above 85 years & PwDs starts voting from home: 18thLok Sabha Election makes history• Over 1.7 crore85+ Voters and Persons with Disabilities (PwD) voters can avail facility

In a path-breaking initiative, the Election Commission ofIndia (ECI), for the first time in a Lok Sabha Election, has provided thefacility of home voting for the elderly and Persons with Disabilities in the2024 Lok Sabha elections. Voters above 85 years of age and Persons withDisabilities (PwDs) with 40% benchmark disability can avail of the optional homevoting facility.

Voters in this category have already begun casting their votesfor phases I and II of polling. This initiative marks a significant stridetowards ensuring inclusivity and accessibility of the electoral process and bolstering democratic participation. There are over 81 lahks 85+ aged voters and90 lakh + PwD voters registered across the country. Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar along with Election Commissioners Gyanesh Kumar and Dr Sukhbir Singh Sandhu hadannounced that giving home voting facilities to elders and PwDs is the Commission’s expression of care and respect towards them and hoped that itwould set an example for society to adopt it in day-to-day life. Voters whoavailed of the home voting facility in phase 1 polls have expressed gratitude andsatisfaction with the ECI initiative.

Voting from home takes place with the involvement of a full contingent of polling staff and security personnel withsecrecy of voting diligently maintained. With this, ECI has taken anotherdecisive step towards facilitating a more equitable and representativedemocracy, where every citizen’s voice matters, regardless of physicallimitations or age.

The transformative impact of home voting is notjust a logistical convenience but highlights the symbol of inclusivity,empathy and empowerment within the democratic fabric of our society. Identifying the 85-year-olds and the Persons with Disabilities in the country’s vast electoral roll has in itself been a herculean task. About Home Voting Facility:

The provision of home voting is a progressive measure aimed at empowering voters who encounter barriers to participating in the electoral process at the polling stations. Specifically, this facility is extended to two key demographic groups: persons with disabilities (PwDs)meeting the 40% benchmark disability criteria and senior citizens aged above 85years.

By extending this optional facility to these segments of the voters, the Election Commission recognizes the need to ensure that citizens’ right to vote is not encumbered by physical barriers and disabilities.

This upholds the Commission’s motto of ensuring – No voter is left behind. The procedure to avail of this facility is simple yet thorough. Within five days of the election notification, eligible voters must complete Form 12D and submit it to the returning officer. PwD voters submit a baseline disability certificate with their applications. The Booth Level Officer(BLO) is responsible for retrieving Form 12D from the elector’s place of residence when the required documentation has been completed.

Candidates receive a list of these electors to maintain accountability and transparency; if they wish, they can choose a representative to supervise the process. Following this, a dedicated team of polling officials along with security officials visits the voter’s residence to collect their votes. Crucially, voters are notified ahead of time of the planned visit, allowing them to be prepared to exercise their right to vote safely and comfortably. To further expedite the procedure and improve accessibility, voters can also receive notifications via SMS about the days when their home voting facility will be active. The complete process is video graphed for transparency. This initiative underscores the ECI’s dedication to leveraging technology to enhance the electoral process. From digital notifications to the deployment of videographers, the incorporation of innovative solutions facilitates a seamless and transparent voting experience for eligible individuals. As India gears up for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, the introduction of home voting stands as a testament to the ECIs unwavering commitment to upholding participative, inclusive and accessible elections.