Environment Minister asks states to consider inclusion of bamboo and medicinal plants in afforestation activities

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Environment Forest and Climate Change Minister Prakash Javadekar has said that his ministry has issued letters to all states to consider the inclusion of bamboo and medicinal plants in the afforestation activities being undertaken on degraded forest land and contiguous areas.


Environment Forest and Climate Change Minister Prakash Javadekar had said that his ministry has issued letters to all states to consider the inclusion of bamboo and medicinal plants in the afforestation activities being undertaken on degraded forest land and contiguous areas. 

Replying to a question in the Lok Sabha, he said the ministry also issued advisories to states to take up plantation of local and indigenous species which would also include Neem, Peepal and Banyan on various occasions like Van Mahotsav and World Environment Day.

The Minister said, Human Resource Development Ministry has already taken up the programme of Smart Campus, where greening of the campus is a major component. 

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