The guidelines specify the National Directives for COVID-19 management, which shall apply to public places and workplaces

Lockdown measures in place since March 24, 2020, have helped considerably in containing the spread of COVID-19. It has therefore been decided to further extend the lockdown till May 31, 2020. Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), Government of India (GoI) issued an order, today, under the Disaster Management (DM) Act, 2005, in this regard.
The extension of lockdown by two more weeks from May 18 comes with easing of curbs in less infected areas in order to boost the economy.
National Directives for COVID-19 management
The guidelines specify the National Directives for COVID-19 management, which shall apply to public places and workplaces.
Under these guidelines, wearing of face covers is compulsory; spitting will be punishable with fine, and social distancing is to be followed by all persons in public places and in transport.
Marriage related gatherings shall not have more than 50 guests. For funerals/ last rites, the maximum number of persons allowed has been kept at 20. Consumption of liquor, paan, gutkha, and tobacco, etc., is not allowed in public places.
The National Directives also stipulate additional requirements for workplaces. The practice of work from home (WfH) should be followed to the extent possible, and staggering of work hours should be adopted in respect of all offices and other establishments.
There should be provision for thermal scanning, hand wash, and sanitizers at all entry and exit points and common areas; and all workplaces and other sensitive locations are to be sanitized regularly.
In workplaces, social distancing would also need to be ensured through the adequate distance between workers, adequate gaps between shifts, staggering the lunch break of staff, etc.