Flood-affected Assam is improving gradually

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Assam’s flood situation is now going to be under controlled. The Government of India and Assam State Government have taken immediate action in flood-affected areas. Relief camps and distribution centers have been set up by administration in the affected districts.


National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) and State Disaster Response Force (SDRF) have been deployed for the rescue operation.

Local authorities are providing medical services and as well as food and household items distribution to the affected people such as rice, lentils, salt, wheat bran, palm sugar (gur), flat rice (chidwa), baby food, candles, matchboxes, mosquito coils, tarpaulins, and sanitary napkins.

On top of these, the local administration is providing green grass for cattle and animal feed to sustain the livestock belonging to the affected people.  Most of the flood victims already got rehabilitation, food, medicines, and other required things.

Today the Deputy Commissioner, Bongaigaon Adil Khan said that relief and rehabilitation measures are being intensified following the improvement in a flood situation. 

Apart from that, he told the house damage assessment is going on in the district. Each damaged house is being geotagged to rule out any manipulation.

Already 167 animals including 16 rhinos died in the Kaziranga National Park due to floods.

Quick action has taken in this regard also. The forest department and other agencies have rescued 64 animals so far.

Public relation officer to the Forest Minister Sailendra Pandey said that out of total 199 anti-poaching camps, 27 are still within a flood zone.

Sailendra had informed,  a strict vigil is being maintained by the forest guards to prevent poaching. As per his statement, following the improvement in the flood situation in the park, the rhinos and other animals have started to return to the grasslands. 

Including 16 rhinos died in the Kaziranga National Park due to floods. Quick action has taken in this regard also. The forest department and other agencies have rescued 64 animals so far.

Public relation officer to the Forest Minister Sailendra Pandey said that out of total 199 anti-poaching camps, 27 are still within a flood zone.

Mr. Sailendra had informed,  a strict vigil is being maintained by the forest guards to prevent poaching. As per his statement, following the improvement in the flood situation in the park, the rhinos and other animals have started to return to the grasslands. 

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