Foundation for improvement of 60 government schools laid in Manipur

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The State Government had taken up the initiative of ‘School Fagathansi’ mission to give a renewed push towards overall improvement of Government schools in terms of physical and manpower infrastructural gaps and also to increase enrollment in the Government schools, said chief minister of Manipur.


Foundation stones for improvement of 60 Government schools under ‘School Fagathansi’ mission were laid at different places of Manipur today.

Despite the government’s effort to improve the economic condition of common people, it has not improved since people spend a huge amount of money on their children’s education.

As such, the Government has decided to enhance the condition of Government schools with the mission said chief minister of Manipur N. Biren Singh during the main function held at the chief minister’s secretariat today.

While interacting with the dignitaries and officials of seven schools through video conferencing, the chief minister directed the School Fagathansi Mission Management Committees to work sincerely and ensure completion of improvement works within three months.

The Chief Minister also stated that the State Government is giving a serious push to the improvement of the education system of the State and further appealed to all the Government teachers to work with dedication while saying that he has received information, though not confirmed regarding sending substitutes by some teachers.

Appealing such teachers to stop such practice immediately if they are really indulging in it, the chief minister said, the same practice as in Manipur Police Department, the State Government is also considering to install biometrics attendance machines in Government schools to ensure the presence of teachers at their posting places.

He continues saying that feedbacks gathered through the state government’s ‘Go to Village’ and ‘Go to Hills’ missions had been an important input for the Government to bridge certain gaps and factors hindering development in the State.

While lauding the Education Minister, Education (S) Department, teachers and the general public for their efforts and cooperation in making the initiation a success, the chief minister also informed that around 2200 teachers/Lecturers had applied for posting in the model schools selected each in all the 60 Assembly constituencies under the mission.

He informed that an adequate number of motivated and committed Lecturers/teachers would be posted in these model schools and once a teacher is posted in these schools, he or she would stay there for at least 3 years, he said.

Additional infrastructures like classrooms, decent school campus, sufficient school furniture, outdoor gymnasium, separate toilets for boys and girls, drinking water facilities among other basic standards as per the Right to Education norms will be provided at the schools, said the chief minister.

He also expressed glad that most of the MLAs had shown willingness to contribute some portion of their Local Area Development Funds towards improvement of these schools. Meanwhile, a proposal for financial assistance had been submitted to the North East Special Infrastructure Development Scheme (NESIDS) for infrastructure improvement of remaining around 2000 Government schools of the State as well, he added.

 Earlier on January 18 this year, Chief Minister launched the ‘School Fagathansi’ mission at a function held at Yumnam Huidrom Government High School, Wangoi in Imphal West District.

 Under the mission one High or Higher Secondary School in each Assembly Constituency was selected in the first phase. The schools shall have classes from Pre-Primary to Class X or Class XII, except in nine schools that still have constraints in expansion. Enrollment in Government schools is targeted to increase from 26,000 at present to around 44,000 in the next academic session.

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