Govt to create buffer stock of 60,000 metric tonnes of onion during Rabi season

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The government has decided to create a buffer stock of 60 thousand metric tonnes of onion during this Rabi season under the price stabilization fund.


The government has decided to create a buffer stock of 60 thousand metric tonnes of onion during this Rabi season under the price stabilization fund.  This will be utilized towards calibrated releases during the lean season. 

Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar said this in a written reply in Lok Sabha today. He informed the house that underprices stabilization fund, the National Agriculture Cooperative Marketing Federation of India has procured about 53 thousand metric tonnes of onions till the 2nd of this month.

The Minister said, the wholesale price of onion has experienced downfall from October last year to February this year and gradually started increasing from March 2019 onwards.

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