Health is Wealth

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Physical Training and Cultural Promotion is a Boost to a Healthy Body and Healthy Mind


NANHI DUNIYA’ (The International Movement of Children and Their Friends) was founded in 1946 by Prof. Lekh Raj Ulfat (1920-1991). The main aim of Nanhi Duniya at the time of its inception was to contribute to a peaceful, sustainable and integrated world, where all living beings can live and grow in universal harmony. Its main motive is to serve the children as they are the creators of the future.

Six young cultural enthusiasts from Nanhi Dunya Dehradun namely – Khushi, Saniya, Anchaal, Manish, Saksham, Rahul and their instructor Ashu Satvika Goyal, Group leader Harshit have returned to India after representing the country at the Brave Kids International Festival between May 30 and July 10 in Ukraine and Poland.

The Vice President of India Venkaiah Naidu addressed the gathering of these young children on July 12th. He was impressed and appreciated their beautiful performance. As the cultural ambassadors of our country, young enthusiasts have created a great impression on the audience of Ukraine and Poland. These children had shared the states with representatives from 15 countries at the Brave Kids International Festival, organised under the patronage of UNESCO and the Polish Ministry of Culture and Heritage. They had the opportunity to perform with young talented people from countries affected by humanitarian issues (such as natural disasters, political conflicts, poverty) and young people from more stable backgrounds.

The Vice President expressed his deep sense of admiration for organisations like NANHI DUNIYA which provides a platform and encourages students to learn about the culture of different nations. He is of the opinion that by participating in such international events children all over the world will develop a friendly relation with one another and inculcate a feeling of love and respect for each other’s culture. He assures that such engagements will help in building a peaceful and sustainable world.

While interacting with these young minds The Vice President emphasised on the fact that as these young minds are the future of our country, so they need to inculcate Indian values and develop a sense of respect for their own culture and treat all human beings as equal. As learning is a continuous process, so he encouraged the children to embrace all opportunities and leave no stone unturned.

As all work and no play makes a person dull, so he emphasised on the need to make yoga and sports compulsory for all Primary and Upper Primary levels students and encourage them to take part in voluntary activities as NSS, NCC and Scouts, and Guides, etc.

He appreciated the efforts of the members of NANHI DUNIYA for their selfless effort and contribution in the field of education, child and women welfare for about seven decades now through 10 welfare centres in and around Dehradun. 

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