Through a religious ceremony held in Diphu recently, thirty five Christian Karbi families returned to their conventional religion, Barithe Dharma. The ritual was ordered by Karbi Kurpho Amei at Serlongjon.

Through a religious ceremony held in Diphu recently, thirty five Christian Karbi families returned to their conventional religion, Barithe Dharma. The ritual was ordered by Karbi Kurpho Amei at Serlongjon.
One hundred and fifty men and women from these families performed rituals and converted them back to Barithe Dharma, their original faith. Karbi deities Hemphu, Mukrang, and Rasinja, symbolizing, were made offerings by the converted families. Karbi Kurpho Amei honored them in Karbi traditional way.
Tansing Bey, President of Karbi Kurpho Amei told the local media that these families are settled in Bokajan, Nilip, Rongkhang, Langsomepi, and other areas of Karbi Anglong, and have decided to return to their indigenous religion.
Distinguished Karbi leaders, like Pratap Terang and Joysing Terang associated with Karbi Customary Law, were in attendance at the ceremony to observe the momentous edifying resurgence.