Indigenous communities of a small state like Manipur may be wiped off anytime through various legislations if the BJP led NDA can reduce the political status of Jammu and Kashmir into two union territories at will.

Joint Committee on Inner Line Permit System (JCILPS) has sought the state government to update the status report of Manipur People Bill, 2018 currently in the custody of the Indian President, pending his assent to become a state Act. The focused people’s group has set August 16 as the deadline for the state to exhibit its commitment for the proposed legislation passed by the state assembly in 2017 and pending the President’s assent.
The people’s committee further demanded that the government constitute a ‘Manipur State Population Commission’ and to initiate updating the National Register of Citizens (NRC) or formulate a Register of Indigenous Inhabitants of Manipur (RIIM) at the earliest with 1951 as base year for citizenship in consultation with all stakeholders in the state.
Speaking to media during a press meet held on Saturday at its Imphal office, JCILPS convener, Yumnamcha Dilipkumar stated that the committee has set a deadline for the government to give update the status report of the Manipur People Bill (MPB) in a memorandum submitted to the chief minister.
Despite the Biren Singh state government promised to put in a concerted effort in acquiring the President’s assent on the Manipur People’s Bill before the 17th Lok Sabha election, it has remained silent till now. The President of India has given his assent to bills like Unlawful Activities Prevention Act Amendment Bill, 2019. However the Manipur People’s Bill has been suppressed till date, said Dilip Kuamar.
He further expressed feared that the indigenous communities of a small state like Manipur may be wiped off anytime through various legislations if the BJP led NDA can reduce the political status of Jammu and Kashmir into two union territories at will.
He continued saying that the state government has not given any information to the committee regarding the constitution of Manipur State Population Commission (MSPC) despite repeated claims by the chief minister at different functions of the centre approving the constitution of MSPC by the cabinet.