Indo- Naga Talks Taking Delicate Road Ahea

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Indo – Naga peace talks in trouble as rebel leader says they are finding it difficult to trust the Government of India           

Lelen Vaiphei

NSCN-IM supremo, Thuingaleng Muivah on Tuesday disclosed that there is a huge problem  in the Naga peace process. He said the fate of the talks will depend on how the Government of India responds to the ‘situation’ when both the parties go back to the table next month.

In an exclusive interview with news agency on Tuesday at Camp Hebron, Th Muivah clarified that ‘inclusive’ means inclusive of all the Nagas. 

According to him the term ‘inclusiveness’ in the Framework Agreement has been differently interpreted by the Government of India (GoI).

He said that the Government of India interprets the term ‘inclusive’ as Nagas to be in the Indian Union even after the settlement of the Indo-Naga political issue and added that the NSCN-IM rejected the interpretation of the term ‘inclusive’ by the Government of India. “We will not accept such interpretation whether today or tomorrow”, asserted Th Muivah.

Claiming that there cannot be a solution without settling the flag and constitution of NSCN-IM, he said that Flag and constitution are the identity of the Nagas. Further elaborating, Muivah said. “The history of the Nagas is unique. This has also been recognised by the Government of India. And also, both the parties have agreed that solution must be based on this fact. The Government of India openly stated that the history of the Nagas is clear.”

The government of India has officially recognised the unique history and sovereignty of the Nagas in the agreement, he claimed and also said that the Framework Agreement is also about shared sovereignty.

Shared sovereignty is all about peaceful co-existence of the Nagas and the Indians. It means the Indians respect the sovereignty of the Nagas. It also means the Nagas respect the sovereignty of the Indian people,” said Muivah and added that democracy, sovereignty lies with the people.

The Government of India also said the same thing about shared sovereignty claimed the NSCN-IM leader and that, it was the Government of India who said that solution must be sought on the basis of shared sovereignty.

The question of ‘three-months’ to resolve the issue is the ultimatum to the Nagas by the Government of India but the NSCN find it difficult to trust the Government of India. NSCN IM came so close but there is already a huge problem now said Muivah.

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