ISKCON temple Vandalized at Meherpur in Bangladesh

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The attack on the ISKCON temple is part of a broader wave of violence that has targeted multiple Hindu temples across Bangladesh in the last 24 hours


Bangladesh : An ISKCON temple was targeted and vandalized at Meherpur district town in Bangladesh at about 5.30 pm on August -5. The temple came under the attack of about 500 hundreds of the miscreants who looted valuables including cash TK 6 lacs.

The miscreants vandalised and set on fire as unrest continues to sweep the country following the resignation and departure of former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. The attack on the ISKCON temple is part of a broader wave of violence that has targeted multiple Hindu temples across Bangladesh in the last 24 hours.

Yudhistir Govinda Das, chief of ISKCON confirmed the incident, stating, “As per the info I have received, one of our ISKCON centers (rented) in Meherpur was burnt including with the deities of Lord Jagannath, Baladev, and Subhadra Devi. Three devotees who lived in the center somehow managed to escape & survived (sic).”

The situation for religious minorities in Bangladesh has grown increasingly precarious in the wake of Hasina’s ouster, with Hindu temples facing attacks amid the ongoing unrest. Chinmoy Krishnan Das, Principal of ISKCON Pundarik Dham in Chittagong, has voiced deep concerns over the safety of Hindu temples in the wake of these attacks.

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