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1 Discussions with the Reserve Bank were going on 8 months before demonetisation’ Centre informs Supreme Court

2 Mizoram government apologised after one and a half years of border firing

3 Tomorrow Barak Bandh, confident Pradeep Dutta Roy

KRC TIMES Barak Valley Bureau

NEWS 1- Before announcing demonetisation, the central government had held talks with the Reserve Bank of India. The Center had been in consultation with the Reserve Bank for eight months before the announcement. The central government has said this in an affidavit given to the Supreme Court in the case related to demonetisation. It is mentioned in the affidavit that initially, the Reserve Bank recommended the cancellation of 500 and 1000 Rupee notes.

Then the central government considered it after that. Today, the central government submitted this report to the five-judge bench of the Supreme Court. On November 8, 2016, the Reserve Bank of India announced the cancellation of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes. The Supreme Court is hearing a case on this issue.

NEWS 2- Vinayak Damodar Das Savarkar’s grandson Ranjit Savarkar filed a defamation case against Congress leader Rahul Gandhi at Shivaji Park police station in Mumbai. Rahul Gandhiinsulted his grandfather Veer Savarkar. Alleging this, he said that Congress and Rahul Gandhi have always been making insulting comments about Savarkar. In 2017 also such comments were made.

NEWS 3- Morbi Bridge was opened to the public without any permission. Morbi Municipal has submitted this affidavit to the Gujarat High Court today. In an affidavit submitted to the court, the corporation said the construction company had opened the bridge without obtaining permission. They have not even submitted any certificate that the bridge has been repaired

NEWS 4- The Barak Democratic Front called for the success of Barak Bandh on Friday, protesting against the employment disparity of Barak Valley youths.

The chief convener of the party, Pradeep Dutta Roy, said that there are various kinds of propaganda going on. He urged to make the bandh a success without being confused by any false propaganda.

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NEWS 5- A person named Sahab Uddin filed a complaint at Sonai police station in the Cachar district of Assam on November 11, alleging that his son Sahil Khan used to study in a Madrasa at Swadhin Bazar Islamia Orphanage. He alleged that his son was subjected to mental and physical torture in the past month and attempts were made to train him on the jihadi angles.

Sahab Uddin filed a case at Sonai police station and based on the statement, the police arrested two madrasa teachers, Abul Hussain and Dilwar Hussain. Superintendent of Police Numal Mahatta said that two people have been arrested by the police based on the information that has been filed. SP informed that the two have been brought to court and remanded by the police and strong interrogation is being conducted.

NEWS 6- Cachar police operation against Burmese betel nut continued on Tuesday night, Silchar RangirKhari police seized two betel trucks loaded with betel nuts in a raid at Sonabari Ghat. The trucks were bringing illegal Burmese betel nuts from Mizoram.

Three suppliers were arrested for illegally supplying betel nuts. The three arrested are from the Cachar district. Rizul Hossain Laskar, Sippu Laskar, and Rizul Islam, it is known.

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