Landless farmers denied fertilizers in Manipur

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All Manipur Progressive Farmers Association appealed the state government to stop its policy of denying fertilizers to farmers without land records until a concrete policy for landless farmers is formulated


All Manipur Progressive Farmers Association appealed the state government to stop its policy of denying fertilizers to farmers without land records until a concrete policy for landless farmers is formulated.

While warning of taking up agitations if the said fertilizers policy does not change within the 30th of this month,  the farmers’ association also appealed the state government to check the sale of fertilizers in different private outlets sold at price higher than the maximum retail price. 
It also condemned the act of different ministers holding fertilizers enforcing a quota system. 

Condemning the policy of the government, president of All Manipur Progressive Farmers Association, Soraisam Ratankumar informed that farmers without land records are denied fertilizers provided by the government.

Informing that all land record owners or holders are not necessarily farmers, Ratankumar also said that farmers, especially in the hill areas, do not have a land record of their own. The manner in which the state provides fertilizer to the farmers isn’t fair, he added.

There are times when landowners refuse to give the land record to the farmers. Besides, the present policy of the government is a clear indication that farmers in the hill areas who do not own any land records will be deprived of their rights to receive fertilizers he added.

Lack of a concrete agricultural policy in the state can create a big problem in the agriculture sector in the state.  The state government should focus on making the state self-reliant instead of depending on the Centre said Ratankumar.

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