The new secretary who is a Nationally awarded filmmaker of the state also assured that he will work to ensure that Manipur becomes one of the most film-friendly state of India, thereby attracting huge revenues from national and international film production companies

The newly appointed Secretary of Manipur State Film Development Society (MSFDS) Sunzu Bachaspatimayum , chairs a consultative meeting on Friday with Manipur’s apex film body, Film Forum Manipur along with 8 of its constituent associations, to discuss the roadmap for the promotion of film as a revenue-generating industry for the state.
The delegates of the state‘s film fraternity warmly welcomed Sunzu Bachaspatimayum, the new Secretary and expressed that his appointment at the helm of film affairs of state brings new hope to the withering ‘industry’.

Speaking about his plans to take forward the film culture of Manipur, Sunzu Bachaspatimayum said that society under his charge will soon launch a web portal of the society which will not only add as a resource centre of the film of the state but a platform to showcase and stream Manipuri films.
Sunzu also informed that he is revamping the society to facilitate film productions in the state by providing high-end editing suites, audio dubbing studio and 5.1 sound recording/mixing studio and DI facilities for colour correction etc.
The new secretary who is a Nationally awarded filmmaker of the state also assured that he will work to ensure that Manipur becomes one of the most film-friendly state of India, thereby attracting huge revenues from national and international film production companies.

The 3 hours long consultative meetings, held the complex of MSFDS, maintaining Covid-19 prevention SOP ended with all delegates praising the newly appointed Secretary for calling for a consultation, unprecedented since the establishment of the Society. Sunzu also appealed to all the delegates present to not hesitate to voice or communicate any concerns directly to him in order to solve or ease any challenges to come.