Manipur Paid Homage On The 169th Death Anniversary Of Maharaja Narasingh.

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The 169th death anniversary of Maharaja Narasingh was observed by Manipur State Archaeology Department of Art and Culture at Kangla. The observance was graced by Titular King of Manipur, Leishemba Sanajaoba, Art and Culture Director, A Shivadas Sharma, Vice President Maharaja Narashing Memorial Committe, R.K. Rajendra Singh and Director Mutua Museum, Mutua Bahadur as  Special […]

Jilima Yengkhom

The 169th death anniversary of Maharaja Narasingh was observed by Manipur State Archaeology Department of Art and Culture at Kangla.
The observance was graced by Titular King of Manipur, Leishemba Sanajaoba, Art and Culture Director, A Shivadas Sharma, Vice President Maharaja Narashing Memorial Committe, R.K. Rajendra Singh and Director Mutua Museum, Mutua Bahadur as  Special Guest, Guest of Honour, President and Chief Guest respectively.

 The function began by laying floral tribute at the cemetery of the late Maharaja Narasingh, guard of Honour, Gun Salute, reverses arms, two minutes of silence, slope arms and order arms by the contingent of Manipur Rifle and followed by Jalakeli Pala.

Speaking on the occasion Maharaja Leishemba Sanajaoba spoke about the importance of observing such occasion known to the future generation about the dedication and observation  of the  then great Kings.
Maharaja Narasingh considered and valued his people much more precious than his own throne. People of Manipur should not forget the contributions and sacrifices of our past leaders.

A. Shivadas Sharma as the Chief Guest of the occasion spoke about the king’s determination, ideology, beliefs, dedication and devotion and people should be made aware of it.

As the Guest of Honour, Mutua Bahadur spoke about the importance of observing the historical places such as Canchipur, the most important place after Kangla traces from the history which is presently located inside the Manipur University Campus. He added that, the remains should be protected and kept in the museum so as to make the people of the coming generations to know about our own history.

R.K. Rajendro Singh as the president gave  his opinion in preserving the sites of Arts and Culture of our state with the help of the Department to develop the  culture and tradition of Manipur. He also spoke about the determination and dedication of the great Maharaja Narasingh for his people.

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