In preparation for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, the Manipur state election commission (SEC) released guidelines for the media on Wednesday (March 27

In preparation for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, the Manipur state election commission (SEC) released guidelines for the media on Wednesday (March 27).
The guidelines emphasize the prohibition of election campaigns based on communal or caste lines, in accordance with election rules.
It urged the press to refrain from publishing reports that may incite feelings of enmity or hatred among people based on religion, race, caste, community or language.
Manipur is set to conduct elections for its two parliamentary constituencies, the Inner Manipur Lok Sabha seat, and the Outer Manipur Lok Sabha seat, on April 19 and 29, respectively.
The guidelines stress the duty of the press to provide objective reporting on elections and candidates.
Newspapers are cautioned against engaging in unhealthy election campaigns, exaggerated reports, or biased coverage of candidates or incidents during the electoral process.