Minimum of 500 foreign students to be enrolled at Delhi IIT by 2024

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IIT Delhi has launched its International P h.D. Fellowship Programme under which it aims to enroll 500 foreign students.


With a target of enrolling 500 foreign students within the next five years, the Delhi IIT on Wednesday organised a summit meeting for diplomats from various countries to showcase the opportunities at the premier institution.

 Looking forward to the globalisation of IIT Delhi, new opportunities for Higher Studies in India was attended by Ambassadors and Education Attaches of 12 countries including South Korea, Indonesia, Sweden, Britain, and Mexico.

IIT Delhi Director, Prof V Ramgopal Rao said at the summit that, the target is to have at least 10 per cent of foreign students in the P h. D. programmes and make them work on technology platforms that can serve global needs.

Foreign students can apply for PhD in 28 academic units at the IIT, including applied mechanics, atmospheric sciences, biochemical engineering, among the others.

During the summit, IIT Delhi presented the newly launched International PhD Fellowship Programme (IPFP), which provided liberal financial assistance to the meritorious international students. The aim of IPFP is to encourage the best talents from across the world to join PhD programmes at IIT Delhi.

The institute will also be looking towards attracting teachers from various academic institutions in different countries to join the IIT Delhi’s faculty team.

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