Minister of State for Tribal Affairs, Renuka Singh to Launch ‘Go Tribal Campaign’ in New Delhi

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“Go Tribals Campaign by Tribes India” will be launched under which a number of innovative activities have been planned to be undertaken to promote use of tribal handicrafts, handicrafts and natural products.


Minister of State for Tribal Affairs, Renuka Singh will launch the Go Tribal Campaign in New Delhi today to promote the use of tribal handicrafts and natural products.

Tribal Affairs Ministry said TRIFED has organised this event to institutionalise collaborations and partnerships with different organizations to promote tribal products.

The Ministry said, during the event, Tribes India and Amazon Global Marketing will launch TRIBES India products globally through Amazon platform.

With this collaboration, tribal products will be available in the US and will help establish an export market with tribal products.

The collection of Madua, Jowaer, Bazra, Red Rice, Honey, Lac products, Spices, Coffee, Tea and Handmade Soaps produced by Tribals in various parts of the country will also be showcased. 

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