Mizoram Tops on Utilisation of Projects under NEC

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As of July end, Mizoram has 8 pending UCs, Sikkim 20 while Assam and Arunachal Pradesh records over Rs. 60 crores pending amount.


In the two day North Eastern Council (NEC) Plenary Meeting held at Guwahati, NEC Secretary Ram Muivah reported that Mizoram ranks first amongst the eight north eastern states with respect to completion of projects, having the least number of pending utilisation certificates (UCs.)

As of July end, Mizoram has 8 pending UCs amounting to Rs. 8.59 crores. Sikkim is the closest with 20 pending UCs (Rs. 16.36 crores), while Assam and Arunachal Pradesh records over Rs. 60 crores pending amount. Apart from these, Mizoram is the only state with 100% processing of UC’s through the NEC UC Portal in all applicable projects.

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