Mobile Game can now teach Khasi Language

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Three youths of Meghalaya from their college days till present, have nourished a dream of developing a mobile game one day that would help spread the usage of Khasi language


Khasi language is spoken primarily in Meghalaya state in India by the Khasi people. To spread this language far and wide, three youths from Meghalaya had a dream from their college days to develop a mobile game that would fulfill their dream. Aibor Nongkynrih 25, Aikindasuk Khongsngi 26, and Denzil Sawian 25, met each other during their college days and the same idea struck the trio. The idea of developing this game. The game named Shi Kyntien, meaning ‘one word’ was developed in 2016 and is slowly gaining popularity.

Though the first version of the game was released as it required certain updates and the boys were busy with their studies, so it got delayed. After completing their graduation the trio redeveloped and regrouped the game. The game was set up on google play store two weeks ago and to date, more than 10,000 people have downloaded and installed it on their android phones.

Aibor , a commerce graduate had learned the game from Youtube and was mostly self-learned. He concentrates on coding, Aikindasuk is into graphics and  Denzil helps in collecting the Khasi words. The trio was felicitated by the Khasi Students’ Union on the 184th death anniversary of Khasi patriot, U Tirot Sing Syiem. It is learned that the main aim of developing this game is to help people to get connected to the language. 

The total expense of developing this game was 10,000 and it was mostly self-funded. They are now encouraging and helping rural children to learn English alphabets and spellings. 

The trio feels that if learning can be linked with entertainment, education would be fun. They are also working on a plan to develop a digital graphic novel that will help people learn about Khasi patriots like U Tirot Sing. Their next aim is to develop a game that would encourage youth to stay away from drugs. They also want to encourage people to maintain cleanliness and use traditional shopping bags known as ‘pla ïew’. through the help of a new game.

Hoping for an exciting future, Aibor feels that they will develop a new game that would change people’s behavior subconsciously and help them to gather the courage and strength to say ‘No’ in the real world.

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