Application on prescribed form should reach the Directorate of School Education on or before 31st March 2021

Principal Director, School Education, Shanavas C, has informed that the Entrance Examination for admission to Class VIII in Rashtriya Indian Military College (RIMC), Dehradun, for January 2022 term, will be conducted on 5th June 2021(Saturday).
The eligibility criteria to appear for the exam are:
- Only boys are eligible to apply for admission to the RIMC, Dehradun. Candidates appearing for the said exam should not be less than 11 1/2 years (eleven and a half) in age but should not have attained the age of 13 years as on 01st January, 2022 i.e. they should not be born earlier than 1st January, 2009 and not later than 1st July, 2010.
- Candidates should either be studying in class VII or Pass Class VII from any recognized school at the time of admission to the RIMC i.e. 1st January 2022.
- The written part of the examination will consist of three papers, namely Mathematics (0930-1100hrs), General Knowledge (1200-1300hrs) and English (1430-1630hrs) and shall be conducted on 5th June, 2021(Saturday), which may vary due to Covid-19. The Oral interview will be held on 06th October 2021(Wednesday) for only those candidates who qualify in the written Exam and the candidates will be informed of result of written examination by the first week of September, 2021.
- Application form cum Prospectus and booklet of old Question papers can be obtained from The Rastriya Indian Military College, Garhi Cantt, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, Pin 248003, through online payment on RIMC website or speed post by forwarding self-addressed slip and an account payee bank demand draft of Rs 600/- for General candidate and Rs 555/- for SC/ST candidates. The Demand Draft must be made in favour of “THE COMMANDANT, RIMC DEHRADUN, DRAWEE BRANCH, STATE BANK OF INDIA, TEL BHAVAN, DEHRADUN, (BANK CODE -01576) UTTARKHAND”.
- Application on prescribed form accompanied by 2 passport size photographs, Domicile certificate, Birth certificate issued by Municipal Corporation, ST/SC certificate and certificate from the Principal of the school in original and photograph on it attested stating the date of birth and class studying should reach the Directorate of School Education on or before 31st March 2021.