Thirty five crore sixty lakh sixty thousand and six hundred worth of seizure made till 9th February

The office of the Chief Electoral Officer, Nagaland in a press release informed that the monetary value of the Progressive Seizure made by various Enforcement Agencies both Central and State from the Date of announcement of the General Election to the Nagaland Legislative Assembly 2023 till the 9th of February 2023, is Rs.35,60,60,600 /- (Thirty five crore sixty lakh sixty thousand and six hundred). Details of the various items seized are given as follows;
- Cash = Rs. 2,71,00,670
- IMLF (40925.65 Litres) = Rs. 3,72,11,428
- Drugs/Narcotics (3.06 Kgs) = Rs. 25,70,72,230
- Freebies/other items = Rs. 3,46,76,272
The following seizure was made on 9th February 2023, cash Rs.10477220 /-, liquor 1180.02 liters worth Rs. 1262600 /-, drugs/narcotics seized worth Rs. 466600 /-, Freebies and other items worth Rs.Nil totalling monetary value of Rs. 1,14,27,070 /- (one crore fourteen Lakhs twenty seven Thousand and seventy) only.
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