From the academic session 2023-24 all students will be required to appear for the CUET for admission to the Undergraduate Programmes of Nagaland University

From the next academic session i.e., 2023-24 all students intending to seek admission to Undergraduate Programmes will be required to appear for the CUET.
The University Grants Commission (UGC), Ministry of Education, Government of India has issued a circular (MO. F. 13-11/2020(CU» Dated 19″‘ May 2022 that Central Universities of North-Eastern Regions including Nagaland University were exempted from Common University Entrance Test (CUET) for admission in the Undergraduate Programmes for current academic session 2022-23.
From the academic session 2023-24 all students will be required to appear for the CUET for admission to the Undergraduate Programmes of Nagaland University.
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