47 numbers of locations have been identified throughout the State covering 11 Districts of Nagaland for installation of instruments

The Ministry of Water resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation (MoWR, RD & GR) is coordinating the implementation of National Hydrology Project (NHP) as a central Scheme with World Bank assistance. The Cabinet approved the implementation of National Hydrology Project (NHP) on 23rd June 2016. The Project is for a total duration of eight years. Altogether there are 49 Implementing Agencies covering the entire Nation, in which the Department of Water Resources is acting as the Implementing agency for the State of Nagaland. There is a State Project Management Unit (SPMU) headed by Principal Secretary, Water Resources Department, as the Project Coordinator and Chief Engineer, Water Resources Department, as the Nodal Officer. Currently, the project is in its 4th year since its inception from 2015-16. The total budget for the State of Nagaland is Rs. 22.54 Crore.
The main objective of the project is to improve the extent, quality and accessibility of water resources information, and to strengthen the capacity of water resources management institutions in the whole of India. In order to achieve this, 47 numbers of locations have been identified throughout the State covering 11 Districts of Nagaland for installation of instruments for collection of Real Time Data of river basins and establishment of a Real Time Data Acquisition System (RTDAS). The instruments proposed to be installed are 6(Six) numbers of Automatic Weather Stations, 41(Forty One) numbers of Automatic Raingauge and 32(Thirty Two) numbers of Automatic Water Level Recorder.
The Department under National Hydrology Project (NHP) has initiated the “Construction of State Data Centre (SDC) at Kohima” at an estimated cost of Rs. 86.45 Lakh (Rupees Eighty Six Lakh Forty Five Thousand) for the purpose of data entry, validation, analysis, retrieval and dissemination and “Construction of Hydrology Project Convention Centre (HPCC) at Dimapur” at an estimated cost of Rs. 237.86 Lakh(Rupees Two Crore Thirty Seven Lakh Eighty Six Thousand) for facilitating all National Hydrology Project (NHP) related Trainings/ Workshops/ Events.
By the end of the project ie by 2024, the outcome expected is a shift towards integrated water resources management through open access to data and building of a strong institutional capacity.