National Medical Commission bill passed amidst of huge protest by doctors

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The National Medical Commission bill got passed in the midst of allegations of corruption against the 63-year-old Medical Council of India which regulates all aspects of medical education, profession and institutions in India


On 1st August, Thursday the Modi government passed the controversial bill in the Rajya Sabha to set up National Medical Commission (NMC) by repealing the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956, ignoring the wide-scale angry protest by doctors who threatened to disrupt medical services across the country.

As the bill proposes to give licenses to Community Health Providers, the Medical fraternity argued that the Bill would indirectly legalise hoax. They also argued against the introduction of a common exit exam that would serve as the entrance exam for postgraduate courses as well as a licentiate exam and insisted that the current NEET-PG should not be scrapped.

Claiming it to be one of the biggest reforms, the government argued that the new Act will ensure the availability of adequate and high-quality medical services.

The adoption of the latest medical research by medical professionals, the periodical assessment of medical institutions and an effective grievance redressal mechanism will be developed.

Trinamool Congress member Santanu Sen, who is also the national president of the Indian Medical Association (IMA) has put up strong opposition.

Raising the specter of capitation fee, Sen argued 70% of seats in private colleges are currently regulated by the central or state governments but this bill gives private institutions completely free reign on 50% of the seats.

Even in the remaining 50%, the government will only review the criteria of selection. The opposition has raised several objections and even described it as ‘Omission’ bill — a blatant effort to corporatise the pious profession.

The bill also came under attack from parties for taking away the rights of the states.

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