New immigration bill makes Britain Global talent’s hub: Johnson

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‘we want Britain to be the most prosperous and sustainable economy in Europe with an immigration system that attracts the brightest global talent.’


Britain Prime minister announced that a new immigration bill will be effective to attract more scientists or global talents in Britain after Brexit. Fast track visa policy will be a key part to entertaining and encouraging the world’s top scientists to the shores of Britain, he added.
Johnson on Thursday in his facebook live announced, ‘we are changing the rules on immigration to make the UK even more open, even more, welcoming to scientists from around the world.’
From the last year, Government expects to launch a fast truck visa policy with the focusing to attract “elite” researchers and specialists in the different field especially science, engineering, and technology. It is expected that October 31 onwards policy will come into force which will attract immigrants at a large scale.
After doing a great discussion with leading institutions and universities of Britain, eligibility criteria will be decided for the current Tier 1 Exceptional Talent Visas and will adopting an agenda that allows automatic endorsement, subject to immigration checks.
This upcoming system will ensure accessibility towards all the successful applicants to the UK labour market and remove the requirement of having a good job before arriving.
Welcoming the Prime Minister’s decision home secretary, Priti Patel told, ‘we want Britain to be the most prosperous and sustainable economy in Europe with an immigration system that attracts the brightest global talent.’
‘The government would also provide additional funding for scientists and researchers who had sought European Union funding ahead of Britain’s exit from the bloc’ Johnson added. By October 31his new initiative will be executed.

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